Our Mission

“Our mission is to seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story. Our goal is to inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts.”
Monthly Meetings
We hold meetings twice a month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
First Thursday – Berkeley in the Fireside Room at BFUU
Third Thursday – (Online since the Lockdown)
We are one of the first, oldest 9/11 Truth groups, which began formally meeting in December 2002.
We are committed to an investigation based on evidence supported by science, witness testimony, documents of record, reputable reporting, solid research.
We reject without reservation any assertion allegation or innuendo derived from bigotry or prejudice against any cultural, racial, religious, ethnic or national group of people.
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room,
Berkeley, CA 94709
(for a google map click here)
Sometimes the locations vary. Contact us to be put on the Discussion List or the Events List. The Discussion List is for discussion of 9/11 and related issues; it is moderated, but members can post. The Events list sends out reminders of meetings and event announcements, and is not open to discussion.
In our meetings we discuss upcoming actions and events. These are facilitated (we pick one of us to be the facilitator) and follow an agenda. Usually the first half an hour is informal discussion/agenda before the meeting gets underway. First-timers are invited to discuss but don’t get to vote on proposals. Agenda items consist of things such as planning for new events, discussing and analyzing recent events, new developments in the 9/11 Truth Movement, strategy, how we can get connected to other groups, how best to reach the public, and other such consistent with our mission statement. Since the pandemic, we also have been discussing current events, but prioritize 9/11 Truth at the beginning of the meetings and other issues, afterwards.
All are welcome.
We are an unincorporated association, with no paid staff, that works via the efforts of many people who volunteer their time, donate their skills, talents and resources to do research, public outreach, organize rallies, marches, events, and produce and generate media. We depend upon our volunteers.
Click here for members bios